Womenswear unltd: Women's Clothing & Apparel - Head to Toe

Showcasing Womenswear: Women's Clothing and Apparel ... Garments, Styles, and Sizes for Every Figure and Occasion.

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Below you'll find Merchants and Products which speak to the topic of this site and which, in keeping with our mission as The Web's Concierge, have been carefully chosen and individually screened for your shopping ease and pleasure. They are not paid ads, but rather companies with whom we have selectively chosen to partner. We do earn a referral fee if you find something you like or need and purchase it. We have striven to bring you the "best in breed" companies ... those that: we like, our friends like, have great sites and service, have good online reviews, positive consumer reports, and are family friendly. Keep us posted with regards to your own personal experiences with them.

You may be surprised at companies that have not been included. The "noisiest" in the marketplace are not always the best. We have chosen 1) newer innovative companies that are performing well and garnering respect in their respective niches as well as 2) "Main Street" companies that have been reliably getting the job done for decades ... in some cases centuries. Our oldest partner, thus far, has been in business since 1819! That's staying power.

Rest assured, if we've included a certain vendor in a site's line-up, there's a very specific reason for it. You may have to hunt and poke a bit, but it'll be well worth the effort. Enjoy the adventure!

Unltdlogo Merchants

The Leader of the Pack

Kohl's: One amazing department store - if you put it in your home, on your body, or if it involves sports, play, or toys of any type, they've got it. (A hint ... if you are looking for counter or bar stools, this is probably the most extensive selection on the planet!)

Customer Favorites:

bebe: Offering a distinctive line of contemporary women's apparel and accessories (since 1976!). And boy do we mean accessories. The 21st Century bebe "signature look" represents hip, sophisticated, body-conscious urban fashions for the trendsetting, stylish woman. Great stuff here. It's only one ... but they also have one wonderful head piece of hair jewelry ... called a head piece. In case you're needing one!

eDressMe: An online dress boutique featuring designer dresses from fashion’s top designers located in New York City’s Garment District. You'll even find a wonderful assortment of evening gowns, wedding gowns and apparel, and special occasion and prom dresses.

Lane Bryant: Probably the most recognized name in plus-size clothing (certainly one of the very first in that niche and they have continued to do it very well). I always found ... doesn't only fit well, looks good and right up to date. And every outfit is then able to be accessorized to scale, right down to the sunglasses, handbag, and shoes for a "total look".

Old Navy: Great fashions at great prices for adults, kids, and baby. Famous for the best in denim, graphic tees, Performance Fleece, and more. Just a fun, satisfying place to shop.

SammyDress: An online "trendy" fashion store with wares direct from China ... the prices are cheap ... reviews are mixed ... but the site is popular. Worth checking. They've even got wedding dresses as well as attire for the other members of the wedding party. Shoes too!

Shop timeless retro inspired fashion Shabby Apple, free shipping on orders $150+ with free returns

Shabby Apple: The home of vintage-style one piece dresses for women (including plus sizes) ... just like the kind we (or Mom maybe?) used to wear ... no miscellaneous articles of clothing to mix and match and pull together. It's really catching on ... the concept and the look! A fun and easy to navigate site where you ladies will also find lots of other goodies. Pure "Fabulous". The ultimate in Timeless, Retro-inspired Fashions!! In case I didn't make myself clear, we love this site!

Styles for Less: Just what it says ... Women's and Junior Fashions for Less ... and there's some really cute stuff here. You'll find a chic selection of apparel and accessories that fit just about every style and budget, including denim, dresses, sweaters, handbags, shoes, and jewelry ... clothing appropriate for school, athletics and down time-casual, career, and clubbing on the weekend.

TAGS: A curated collection of designer fashions for women geared to the travel lifestyle ... right down to having the perfect pair of jeans in which to travel the world in comfort and style. The motto: Travel Apparel, Getaway Style.

Target.com: This favorite shopping destination has become one of the Web's 5 top favorite places to shop ... the company has worked its way into the Fortune 50. They've really covered all the bases when it comes to customers' "wants and likes".

The Gap: An iconic retail brand with (re)inventive American style ... the company's come a long way since the early "jeans" days. You'll find a great array of clean, classic clothing and accessories.

More Resources:

Aeropostale ("AERO"): Specializing in clothing, accessories, and decor geared to the teen crowd, specifically teens between fourteen and seventeen (and thereabouts).

Amazon: One of the planet's most mind-boggling arrays of goods. First came the books. Now they've added every other product on the planet. The ultimate in selection and convenience across multiple categories.

AmiClubWear: Offering an extensive selection of women's dresses, shoes, and accessories ... all for the young "club going" crowd. Lots of ladies love them, some not so much (positives outweigh negatives). Prices are pretty cheap. So I guess if you wear it once ... Some amazingly outrageous looks ... then there's the demure line. Swimsuits as well.

AmorModa: Just a wonderfully presented and organized collection of, primarily, formal wear ... from wedding gowns and bridesmaids dresses to evening and prom gowns and cocktail dresses. There's even dresses "just right' for homecoming and graduation. Definitely something to fit any special occasion, personality, and color palate. The easy to navigate site even breaks down the wedding gown offerings by "venue" among other criteria. This Hong Kong headquartered company seems to be on the rise and doing things right. (If your purchase doesn't turn out as perfectly as hoped, all is not lost because the prices are beyond reasonable.)

Appleseed's: Providing classic (with updated styling) high quality apparel for women across the US for more than 60 years. Their motto: classic is ageless.


Art.com: If you love Art ... any kind of art, any subject ... you're gonna love this site. It's a feast for the senses. You can browse by subject, genre, artist, room to be decorated, and even color palate. Once you've found the image you've been looking for and/or can't live without, then you have multiple product types to choose from ... there's even a great selection of wall tapestries. You'll have fun here ... no matter your special interests or current decorating mission. Their tag line says it all: "Find Your Art, Love Your Space."

As We Change: Offering products for women 40 and over, including personal care and beauty products, slimming apparel (some great stuff here), and health and nutritional supplements ... all geared towards the very definite needs of that demographic. Finally.

Banana Republic: A lifestyle clothing brand that has certainly evolved across the decades ... you'll now even find a modern, sleek, comfortable workplace style for professional men and women. Lots of very cool accessories and shoes for the ladies.

Carol Wright Gifts: Carrying the same vast selection of items found in the original catalog ... the latest "As Seen on TV" products, housewares, bedding, kitchen aids, and garden accessories, as well as caftans, shoes, outerwear, and sleepwear for men & women and tons of kitschy, fun gifts and character items from yesteryear. Finally there's the great "Wright Price" Clearance section. Lots of Christmas gifts bought from Carol over the years!

Cashmere Boutique: Your source for All Things Cashmere ... apparel - sweaters, robes, coats, etc; throws & blankets; pashmina scarves and shawls; and more.

Danskin: The Official Site of Danskin ... One of the longest-lived brands (over 120 years!) of women's dance and activewear. You'll find leotards and leggings and other dancewear accessories as well as fitness, yoga, and thriathlete wear. Custom, coordinated "Team" activewear solutions as well. Plus Sizes available.

DL1961 Smart Denim Technology

DL1961: Finally ... "the perfect fitting jeans" for women and men alike ... crafted exclusively with XFIT LYCRA® denim for 4-way stretchability AND 90% shape retention. You'll find more than 100 styles in various colors, weights, washes, and textures. (And, oh yes, the Celebs are loving them ... so you'll be in good company.)

EastBay: A leading world supplier of athletic footwear and apparel and sports equipment.

ELOQUII: A leading and favorite retailer of plus size fashions ... yes ... they are back!

eShakti: Stylish Day to Evening Wear for Women ... Sizes 0-36! Custom Sizes AND Product Customization also!! Great for the "Goldilocks" among us (not by choice) who have a hard time finding just the right size to fit the body. (BTW: In case you're wondering, "shakti" means "power" in Sanskrit ... meaning the power of the Web.)

Essential Apparel: Specializing in underwear and "underthings" (yup, I'd consider those "essential"), lingerie, socks, casual apparel, and sportswear for men, women, and kids.

EXPRESS: Fashions ... clothing and accessories ... for the Gen Y crowd - both hers and hims.


Fashionesta: An Online European Outlet Store for Exclusive Brand Name Designer Fashions ... Accessories and Handbags as well. For Hims and Hers. Wow looks.

Fila: Activewear and Sportswear with a Continental Flair for the Whole Family and a Tradition that goes back to 1911.

Instant Figure: Compression products - athletic & casual apparel, swimwear, and body shapers - that produce instant slimming for the ladies. A member of the "Insta Slim" family.

Shop JimmyJazz.com

Jimmy Jazz: One of the biggest retailers in the US of urban clothing and sneakers ... You'll find leading hip hop clothing brands for adults and teenagers. Kicks too.

KMart: Offering a wide range of merchandise from appliances, electronics, and toys to apparel, home decor, and sporting goods ... and much, much more. It would be hard for us to calculate the goods we've bought here over the years. Great stuff, great prices ... every once in a while the online customer service gets a bit flukey... What's neat ... they've still got their great layaway plan available online!

LeftLaneSports: Offering premium outdoors, endurance, and active sports and fitness equipment at members-only prices. Their "flash sales" have proved popular.

Levi's: The first and last name in jeans. Nuff said.

Macy's: And yes ... it is still magical ... even after all these years. Another beautifully organized "department store" with a vast array of goods. Almost as much fun to shop online as at 34th Street! At least you don't have to deal with the crowds!

Milanoo: Some Pretty Funky Fashions & Fashion Statements at Some Very Cool Prices. Even "Stylish Occasion" Dresses and Some Cool Novelty Shoes. Reviews have been mixed for this retailer ... they've now been around for about 5 years and are getting better ... Worth checking out if you like Fashions that are a Bit Different.

Nautica: A classic line of American clothing ... geared to the active lifestyle.

Newegg.com: Every geek's favorite shopping site.. It's a guess, but an educated one and probably not too far off the mark. More recently, they've added to their inventory ... at this juncture, they've become a first rate one-stop shop for just about anything you could need or want.

Old Pueblo Traders: What began in 1946 as a direct mail retailer of fine Southwestern fashions, moccasins, and Native American crafts and jewelry has become "an old reliable" for wardrobe staples for mature women who like a classic, comfortable look with an updated twist. BTW: They've got some wonderful looking hats ... even some suitable for the bride (for a different affect.)

Pacific Sunware (PacSun): California Lifestyle Clothing (More Like Trendsetting Fashions), Accessories and Shoes ... Geared Towards the Younger Crowd. You'll find brands like Roxy, Hurley, Billabong, Quiksilver, and more!

Perry Ellis: A leading international designer of a broad line and/or multiple brands of high quality men's, women's and children’s apparel, accessories, and fragrances.

Cubavera: Perry Ellis' line of Latina inspired fashions ... even great wedding apparel selections for the guys. Great crisp and clean looks.

Peruvian Connection: Artisan apparel ... "art knits" featuring unique textile designs ... all crafted from alpaca wool and pima cotton.

Serengeti - Over 100 New Items

Serengeti: The Favorite (!!) Catalog (now online) featuring Distinctive, Colorful Fashions for the Mature, Fashion-Forward Woman ... You will be Perfectly Attired and Comfortable No Matter the Occasion ... Whatever You're Wearing from this Collection.

Superior selection of home decor, jewelry,caftans, unique gifts & more.

Expressions: "Stylish & Graceful Accents for You and Your Home" ... the beloved Catalog online. Featuring Home Accessories & Decor; Gifts and Collectibles; Figurines & Jewelry; and Much More ... It's about Accents that make a space "Yours". Hours of shopping pleasure here ... you'll just want to bring it all home!


NorthStyle: Comfortable, Yet Distinctive Casual Wear for Women, Jewelry, Home Decor, etc. ... All Geared to Making a Woman Shine in Her Surroundings and with the Seasons. The Favorite Catalog is online!

Gifts Idea & More

Potpourri Gifts: The online version of your favorite gift catalog ... you'll find unique gifts - for friends, family, or yourself (!), fun collectibles, home decor, and much more ... the goal of the company's offerings: to make every day, every occasion, and every holiday special for you.

General store-right at your fingertips!

The Country Store: The All-American General Store ... Online and At Your Fingertips ... featuring apparel, decor, books, jewelry, music, and just all kinds of other wonderful specialty items. Ladies, you are going to spend the afternoon here ... maybe put some cider on the stove to get in the "Country Store" mood. (BTW: They also have a super collection of plus sizes.)

Sears: What started as your favorite catalog store has survived to become a giant retailer - 2,300 Sears branded and affiliated stores across the US and Canada - of all your "home, hearth, and garden needs" including apparel, appliances, tools, and automotive products. We may take them for granted, but there isn't much they don't have across all niches ... all displayed across an organized, easy to navigate site.

Shopko: Offering a Real Online Smorgasbord of Products and Brands (They've Been Doing It Offline Since 1962). A huge selection ... everything from "Minions" to Mach-speed Tablets!

Sierra Trading Post: All your favorite Sierra Trading Post gear ... you'll be good to go for every outdoor activity. In addition to "the Gear" .... you'll find a fabulous selection of apparel and decor to suit the "casual lifestyle" of the outdoor-minded.

Singer22: Offering Contemporary Women's and Men's Fashions ... You'll also get an eyeful of what the fashion elite and celebrities are wearing ... apparel - shoes - accessories ... at any given time. And yup, animal prints are definitely back.

South Moon Under: From Its Origins as a Surf Shop in 1968, SMU has evolved into an Upscale, Sophisticated and Just Plain Very Cool Retailer of Fashions for the Younger Set (A Destination for Fashion Savvy Gen X and Gen Y-ers). Truly an Eclectic Mix of Women's and Men's Clothing, Swimwear, Fashion Accessories, Jewelry, and Stylish Accessories for the Home. Just a fabulous vibe and great look.

Stylin Online - T-Shirts

StylinOnline: Your Pop Culture Department Store. The place to find novelty T-Shirts and other items (eg. hoodies, belts, etc ... If they can imprint an image on it, you'll find it here.) featuring all your favorite comic heroes; TV, movie, cartoon and arcade/video game characters; and bands.

SwimSpot: Specializing in Women's designer swimwear and bathing suit cover-ups. The "Bikini Builder" Tool allows you to assemble the pefect swimsuit from over 300 possible combinations.

SwimsuitsForAll: Stylish Swimsuits for Women ... including Plus Sizes and Styles for All Body Types. Long Torso (Yes, we know it's a nightmare when it comes to bathing suits ... you are going to be so excited!) solutions as well ... they call it "Longitude".

Ted Baker: Men's and Women's Fashions & Fashion Accessories ... Direct from London.

The Bradford Exchange: A Premier Online Destination for Limited Edition and/or Licensed Collectibles (Think Disney, Thomas Kincaid, NASCAR, Precious Moments, Sports Teams, etc.), Personalized Gifts and Jewelry (a great place to find beautiful Music Boxes), Artistic Apparel, Decorative Accessories, Dolls, and Home Decor, and much, much more. A Fun Site to Browse ... A Great Place to Shop.

The House: One of the premier online boardshops ... the selection is BEYOND comprehensive and includes snowboards and snowboarding gear, skateboards, surfboards, skis of very type and skiing gear and apparel, wakeboards and wakeboarding gear, snowshoes, bikes of all types for all terrains, windsurfing gear, paddle boards, kayaks, waterskis, towables and inflatables, camping and hiking gear, extreme weather apparel and footwear, sunglasses, etc, etc, ... I think you get the picture. Definitely makes you want to get off the couch!!! Very, very cool.

The Lighter Side: The online version of the favorite catalog featuring games and toys, apparel, housewares, lighthearted and personalized gifts, and a wide selection of licensed and nostalgic collectibles (Betty Boop, Wizard of Oz, Coca-Cola® and Looney Tunes, etc). Always a fun place to browse and shop.

Timberland: The company that made hiking boots a fashion statement with a little help from Milan ... they're still making those rugged boots as well as shoes and comfortable clothes and outdoor gear.


West Marine: The world's leading resource for boat and boating supplies (hubby says "aye" to that!) ... since 1968. You'll also find all the good stuff needed for the boating lifestyle ... from sunglasses, boat shoes, apparel, and swimwear to grills, binocs, and fish finders.

WinterSilks: Most likely the widest selection of exclusive silk clothing for women and men in regular and extended sizes, including men's and women's tall and petites and plus sizes.

Welcome to unltd.com ... an unlimited network of sites encompassing all your special interests and favorite destinations. Our aim: to make your online browsing, shopping, and socializing easier, more efficient, and even more private. Explore and Enjoy!
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